Sprint Planning Meeting Minutes

Date: 27.11.2017 10:00 GMT+2 Attendees: Antero, Ilya, Matti, Nazia, Vesa

Task Assignmentss

  • 3064 - Design REST dashboard changes - Ilya
  • 3024 - Re-design ACL rules for eMQ APIs - Ilya
  • 3147 - eMQ dashboard overview design - Ilya
  • 3148 - eMQ dashboard details view design - Ilya
  • 3018 - Path dropmenu in API Analytics View breaks if value includes path with long lengths - Ilya
  • 3155 - [emq] Test instance to apinf nightly - Mahesh
  • 2685 - Checklist for running meteor and tests from jenkins - Mahesh
  • 3149 - eMQ dashboard implementation - Dasha
  • 3072 - Dashboard: Store ElasticSearch data periodically in MongoDB - Dasha
  • 3089 - Swagger UI not able to load - Matti
  • 3114 - Research origin header and Graph QL support in API Umbrella
  • 3025 - Access REST API using FIWARE IdM access token - Matti
  • 3002 - - Design Flow API - Matti
  • 3151 - PUT /apis Error: Meteor.userId can only be invoked in method calls or publications - Matti
  • 1866 - Register/Sign In with Github when email registered using local registration - Matti 3085 - Apply recommended security enhancements - Antero 2698 - Try Out response shows 'Failed to fetch' error - Antero 3166 - Font page loading - Antero 3144 - [Sentry] [Apinf Team Apinf production] error: : We have sent you an email. Please verify your email address. [500]1 message Unknown person - Antero